Hi there,
I tried contacting this address a few weeks ago about adding our link (https://www.newmouth.com/dentistry/restorative/dentures/) to your Links page and I just wanted to follow-up with you as I never heard back. I hope that this email finds you well! Please keep up the outstanding work that your site provides to those in need of support!
*We also just updated our new "What Are Veneers?" page here: https://www.newmouth.com/dentistry/cosmetic/veneers/ - which we believe will be very relevant for your website visitors!
Audrey Webb
Community Outreach
New Mouth
On Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 6:26 AM, Audrey Webb <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello there,
My name is Audrey Webb, and I represent the Community Outreach team here at NewMouth. I found the Jos Schuurmans website while browsing through other health-related websites and was impressed with the informative resources your site displays.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 31% of adults between ages 20-44 have untreated dental caries. One out of every two American adults over 30 has periodontal disease. New Mouth was created to keep the public educated about current dental care practices, oral health basics, and how to find the best treatment possible.
Our team of medical writers and dentists provide the most up-to-date dental information in every vertical, including general, pediatric, restorative, cosmetic, and orthodontics. We also connect patients with the best dentists in their area depending on individual treatment needs. Our goal is to be a one-stop-shop for all of your dental and oral health needs!
Will you please take a moment and review our website https://www.newmouth.com/oral-health/oral-thrush/ and consider mentioning it on your Links page found at https://ojamies.typepad.com/josschuurmans/2006/10/links_for_20061_4.html ? Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Audrey WebbCommunity Outreach 1550 Wewatta St. Denver, CO 80202
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